Sunday, June 15, 2014

You see, this isn't the first time... (Edge of Tomorrow)


There is something about movies that repeat the same day over again...ya know? I just love how the characters can have as many "do-overs" as they want in order to get it right. However, in Edge of Tomorrow, Major Cage has to kill himself after getting injured in order to reset, because if he allows himself to get a blood transfusion, his ability to reset no longer works. I thought it was funny how Sergeant Vrataski (we'll call her Rita) never hesitates in killing him in order to reset, it's almost like she enjoys it.

When Major Cage resets...does his previous reality keep going...or does everything erase and start over? I would like to think that everyone else forgets and starts over while Major Cage retains his memories. Some of my favorite parts were when he told people what they were going to say before they said it.

One thing that he often says when explaining his situation is basically that it will sound crazy, but it will become more rational if you hear him out. I think I felt a little more insane after this movie. Almost everything we do, we do because we know the future. Think about it, we brush our teeth because we know they will become discolored if we don't. We eat because we know we will starve if we don't. Even school is in preparation for our future. All throughout our lives, we are in preparation for something or another. It's funny really, when do we actually live?

Off topic. Alright. Well. Long story short, I absolutely loved this movie. The best part was the happy ending. Although Cage had already had a blood transfusion, he got to live because he absorbed more Omega blood. He gets to go back and hang with Rita all over again...under different circumstances this time.

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