Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nothing short of iconic... (Dirty Dancing)


I don't know what I was expecting from a movie entitled "Dirty Dancing". Patrick Swayze said it best when he stated "sometimes in this world you see things you don't want to see". By the first scene in the Dirty Dancing club (?) I was left shocked that this was the kind of thing my parents watched. But that's beside the point. The awkwardness of Baby's first attempt to dance dirtily was priceless, although she soon got the hang of it.

Basically, my mindset for half of the movie was "IS THAT NEWMAN FROM SEINFELD?!?!" I'm pretty sure it was. Other than that, I suppose the movie was touching and definitely a definitive movie of the 80s. I'm beginning to understand why it's a classic and I also have to admit that the lift scene at the end is nothing short of iconic. I enjoyed the little detail around the middle of the movie (before they discovered that Penny's operation had been botched) when Johnny opened the door of the car for Baby. Just little things like that are what I appreciate.

I think it is very appropriate that Jennifer Grey participated in (and won!!!) Dancing With the Stars. She really did live the part. She basically described it as revisiting a former passion of hers, or at least something that made her happy.

...Alright, so I guess the movie wasn't THAT bad. While it was a little unbelievable that all of that drama took place in the span of three weeks, I will suspend my disbelief for the sake of the story, heartwarming as it was.

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