Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Alan Rickman's Voice(: (Sense and Sensibility)


Sense and Sensibility is probably my favorite movie right behind the third Die Hard (<3!) I love all chick flicks in which it takes MORE than five seconds for the female to go to bed with someone. Maybe I'm just a sucker for politeness. Either way, this movie had Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, HUGH GRANT, and Alan Rickman in it, so basically there was no reason for me not to watch it. I wish Alan Rickman could narrate my life, he could make is sound way more awesome than it actually is. Although, every time I see his face, the only thing I hear is "Turn to page three hundred and ninety four." Haha...hashtag throwback...

My very favorite part was the conversation between Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant on the location of the Nile...ya know...which is apparently in Belgium. I also loved how awkward it was when Edward Ferrars came to see (or to profess his love to) Elinor Dashwood, but then realized that Lucy Steele, his current fiancee was also present. One of the classic "facepalm" moments.

It's not that I'm obsessed with Hugh Grant...It's just that.. "I greatly esteem him" and "like him" very much (to say the least). It was priceless when Elinor used these phrases to describe her feelings for Edward to Marianne and Marianne was not about to buy the bullcrap Elinor was selling her. As far as Marianne and Willoughby? I think they both got what was coming to them. How on earth did Marianne NOT realize that Alan Rickm- I mean Colonel Brandon was a way better voice for her Shakespeare sonnets. Who cares if he's likely twenty years her senior? Quite frankly, it was adorable how shaken up the Colonel was when Marianne was ill, and how pleased he seemed when she thanked him for bringing her mother to her.

Did anyone else find the crying at the end by Elinor a little...unsettling? Maybe it's just me. By no means was it a "wail" and I understand why she broke down after holding all those emotions in for so long but...could she have not masked it a little better? As far as I'm concerned she's lucky Edward didn't waltz out the door right then and there. Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but still.

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