Friday, June 20, 2014

Mid-Movie Frustrating Dance? (Footloose)

6/20/2014 FOOTLOOSE (2011)

I guess I decided to go with a Julianne Hough movie again tonight and I was fairly impressed. When I first read about the movie and how Bomont banned music and dancing... I was thinking "seriously, like that would ever happen". I guess in a small town with Dennis Quaid as your preacher, anything is possible. He can be fairly persuasive. However, sometimes I found myself wondering if he was buying anything that was coming out of his mouth.

Officially, the law was that "public dancing among Bomont's minors" was banned. What about the majors...ya know...the adults? I get that the law was to keep kids safe after an accident that killed five teens, but quite honestly, I have met some adults that don't necessarily make the safest or smartest decisions.

Miles Teller (ya know, Peter from Divergent, or Sutter from the Spectacular Now) was in this movie. I initially hated him...a lot. But, I couldn't help but smile at the end when he and Ren (what kind of a name is Ren, anyway) were dancing. He's alright I guess. Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings and a Funeral) was also in the movie playing the preacher's wife. Think about it: Dennis Quaid, Andie MacDowell, and Julianne Hough in the same family. I didn't understand what all the rave was about concerning MacDowell in Four Weddings and a Funeral...I didn't think she was all that great. I did enjoy her performance in this movie.

Okay. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't understand that mid-movie frustrated dancing that came from Ren. And the swinging from chains? And yet he's the one trying to convince adults to trust their teens.

At first, I thought that Ren's uncle Wesley might have been a little cold toward him. But I appreciate that Wesley didn't buy into any of the crap that the preacher was feeding him...he never doubted Ren for a second. Reverend Shaw did not see that coming, to say the least.

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