Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"She's in sales..." (Pretty Women)

6/18/2014 PRETTY WOMEN

If I had to sum up this movie in one word, I would probably use the word 'satisfying'. I think it was a perfect love story, and it ended up how I wanted it to. I think I finally found what I was looking for in a movie. Plus, George Costanza was in it win. Calm down, it's not like I was a fan of his character, in fact I hated the character. Still, I believe Jason Alexander to be quite the talented actor, and I love Seinfeld.

I know Richard Gere is like 60...but he was kind of attractive, to say the least. I thought it was funny how he asked his ex-girlfriend if she spoke to his secretary more than she did to him. To this, she replied "she was one of my bridesmaids." I don't know, that made me release quite a chuckle. I feel like Edward's fear of heights was representative of his apprehension to let himself be happy...with Vivian (Julia Roberts). He said he never went out on the balcony...but after meeting Vivian, he was sitting out there, even if he wasn't that close to the edge. By the end, he had almost made his way out to the edge. Coincidentally, this was at the point in his relationship with Vivian where he was nearly ready to commit.

I loved the transformation that Vivian went through. She never lost her ways and she was almost never unsure of who she was. My favorite moment was when she turned around in her chair wearing her new black dress. This was the first time Edward had seen her...not dressed for work. Speaking of her work, I thought it was humorous how he referred to her line of work as "sales".

One of my favorite characters was the doorman. I guess I just thought it was cool how he got to see their story unfold through little moments. Barney, the hotel manager, was also quite the character. He was so nice and pleasant to Vivian, no matter how she looked.

What did he mean by "stop fidgeting"...I didn't notice any fidgeting.

In the end, Vivian's fairy tale came true. Okay, well that's not exactly true. Instead of a white horse, she had to settle for a white limousine. And she wasn't trapped in a tower...more of a low-rent apartment. Still...

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