Sunday, June 15, 2014

I think you're gonna have to drag me...(Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason)


Oh Bridget...she never gets cut any slack...quite honestly, Bridget's whole life makes me uncomfortable. It's like nothing ever goes right for her, and yet, she still has a man who loves her unconditionally. Maybe I shouldn't say that, she was right when she said that Mark wasn't willing to take risks or be spontaneous for her. I don't know, I guess that even the mere fact that he is with her is a bit spontaneous. Although, you'd think that he would let her know that she were on speaker phone, or maybe not take a phone call in a meeting that important. When she called to tell him what she told him, was perhaps the most uncomfortable part of the whole movie.

Is it weird that I loved when she went to jail? Not like a "she deserved" it kind of way, more like a "it thoroughly entertained me" kind of way. I liked when she realized what she had walked out on. Here she was in a cell with women who had been beaten and abused, and Bridget is sitting there worried that Mark is to conservative.

I can't believe that I genuinely thought that Daniel Cleaver had changed for Bridget. I guess I thought that he had realized what he was missing out on (what that is...I'm not exactly sure) and wanted her back. I'm glad that woman (we later find 'her' out to be a man) walked in when she did so Bridget didn't go through the same old stuff with Daniel. That Hugh Grant tho...

It was exciting when the subject of Bridget being pregnant arose. It was humorous how in the span of waiting for the results of a pregnancy test, Mark and Bridget had resolved that a baby wasn't the best option at the moment. He wanted to send it to a preppy school and Bridget wanted it to grow up like she did, and also not to be stuck up.

I was surprised how things with Rebecca turned out...I did not expect that. I'm sure she has her reasons.

Mark Darcy: Would you step outside please? 
Daniel Cleaver: I'm afraid it's not possible. 
Mark Darcy: Look are you gonna step outside or do I have to drag you? 
Daniel Cleaver: I think you're gonna have to drag me.

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