Monday, July 7, 2014

Why not cut out the middle man? (Premium Rush)

So I shook things up today and watched something that wasn't a chick-flick. It wasn't my movie night, you understand, right? Either way, it was really good...when my dad told me it was an action movie about a guy who likes to bicycle, you really shouldn't blame me for making sure it wasn't like the last British Documentary that was "exciting". Who's in it? Is it fictional? Was it released in a movie theater in America?

Joseph Gordon Levitt is kind of like a better looking Orlando Bloom...although Bloom is quite good looking as well...I have come to the conclusion that the better looking actor depends solely on what haircut Orlando Bloom has.

I fail to understand how the ticket even mattered. Couldn't Mr. Leung call Sister Chen in order to have Nima's relatives board the ship. Was the ticket really needed? I mean, why not cut out the middle man? I suppose it made for an exciting story...almost makes me want to start biking again...almost.

I loved during the credits how a clip was shown of Gordon-Levitt after he had gotten hurt. Basically, someone was driving on the set who should not have been there, which eventually caused some kind of accident. Long story short, Gordon-Levitt had to get several stitches in his right arm, which explains why it was bandaged for about half the movie.

Overall, a good selection...way to go Dad.

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