Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy ending...for once. (About Time)

7/25/2014 ABOUT TIME

This is, without a doubt, the love story I've been waiting for and I now know that it really wasn't too much to ask for a happy ending! Definitely DEFINITELY in my top five favorite movies EVER. Why wasn't this a bigger deal when it came out and WHY is The Fault in Our Stars such a big deal when this wasn't? It was absolutely perfect. I was on edge the entire movie because I was certain that there would be a time traveling mistake that would land Tim back before he ever met Mary. It's a good thing that even I can be wrong. I mean, I thought he would have to choose between his wife and his sister, or something like that. In the end, he got to keep his wonderful life and watch his sister happily live hers. It's not to say there wasn't conflict, just not one so monumental that it ruined the whole movie for me. It was excellent.

The concept in and of itself is great. Like Edge of Tomorrow, I guess I just love the whole "time traveling" idea when it comes to movies. I don't care what some of the critics said...I think they are looking too into it. Can't we just appreciate About Time for the great story and not look into the insignificant details.

I also enjoyed the fact that we got to see Tim and Mary during their lives as a married couple. Often in these movies, two people get together, or engaged, or married and then it is just left at that...we never know what happens to them. I mean, we got to see Tim and Mary have THREE children (four, if you count the accidental one that Tim created when he went back to far).

I will say that their were plot holes with some of the time traveling, I thought he could only travel to the did he keep going backwards and forwards? It was also never explained that if you held hands with someone, they will travel with you. ALSO, shouldn't Uncle Desmond be a time traveler?! I'll happily let these slide though because the breaking of the rules allowed the story to end happily...for once.

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