Monday, July 28, 2014

Whiplash? (The Amazing Spider-Man 2)


So I'm watching the David Letterman show and Emma Stone is a guess star...not seconds into her interview, she promptly proclaims "yup, I died." REALLY?! This was before I saw the movie...I guess it didn't completely ruin the entire thing, I mean, I knew it would happen. I still don't completely understand how she died though...did her neck snap? I've read a ton of articles and apparently, this has been a lively debate for 40+ years. Some way whiplash, some say she died while falling, and some say it was the impact of the Green Goblin's hover craft. I felt like she was somewhat alive and died while Peter was holding her. Either way, it sucked.

I liked Gwen's speech was a different way of looking at things. Makes endings not seem so bad.

" I know that we all think we're immortal, we're supposed to feel that way, we're graduating. Like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever, what makes it precious is that it ends. I know that now more than ever. And I say it today of all days to remind us that time is luck. So don't waste it living someone else's life, make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what. Because even if you fall short, what better way is there to live?
It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone. No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive! We have to be greater than what we suffer.. My wish for you is to become hope.. People need that.. And even if we fail... what better way is there to live?
As we look around here today at all the people who helped make us who we are,
I know it feels like we're saying goodbye but we will carry a piece of each other into everything we do next... To remind us of who we are.. and if we were meant to be.
I've had a great 4 years with you. I'll miss you all very much."

Jamie Foxx was awesome, I love his version of a nerdy, slightly insane, everyday guy. I think he had perfect reason to become a villain...he wasn't really a villain that I hated all that much. Is it weird that I thought that he was lovable. Harry, on the other hand, was creepy. Why did he start to die a whole lot quicker than his dad?

I kinda felt like there was a lot going on:

-Peter and Gwen
-Harry and Peter
-Peter discovering his parents past

I think I prefer Sally Field's Aunt May.

She's gotta face like an avocado (HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2)


I don't think it was better than the first one, but as far as non-Pixar animated movies go these days, not bad. I could watch Toothless all day(: My family and I were debating whether he was more dog-like or cat-like. I think he looks more like a cat, but has obedience like a dog. Either way, he was freakin' adorable. My heart broke when he became entranced ( that the right word) by the alpha dragon and mistakenly killed Hiccup's father. I suppose I didn't really care that Stoick died...Toothless was just so sad :(

Every time Eret referred to himself as "Eret, son of Eret", I had quite the chuckle. The whole deal where Ruffnut had a crush on him was amusing...proclaiming her love to "Eret, son of Eret" and all. Astrid, on the other hand, kind of got on my nerves this time around...I just feel like she was different in the first movie...tougher, maybe. Did anyone else get the feeling that she was flirting with Eret, son of Eret?

Valka (Hiccup's mother) 's face was troubling. Oddly a pear...NO! avocado.

Did the white alpha dragon die?! (I think it did.)

The chubby dragon rider guy is pretty humorous. I think he had a chubby dragon too. It's like how some say that people have dogs that look like them.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy ending...for once. (About Time)

7/25/2014 ABOUT TIME

This is, without a doubt, the love story I've been waiting for and I now know that it really wasn't too much to ask for a happy ending! Definitely DEFINITELY in my top five favorite movies EVER. Why wasn't this a bigger deal when it came out and WHY is The Fault in Our Stars such a big deal when this wasn't? It was absolutely perfect. I was on edge the entire movie because I was certain that there would be a time traveling mistake that would land Tim back before he ever met Mary. It's a good thing that even I can be wrong. I mean, I thought he would have to choose between his wife and his sister, or something like that. In the end, he got to keep his wonderful life and watch his sister happily live hers. It's not to say there wasn't conflict, just not one so monumental that it ruined the whole movie for me. It was excellent.

The concept in and of itself is great. Like Edge of Tomorrow, I guess I just love the whole "time traveling" idea when it comes to movies. I don't care what some of the critics said...I think they are looking too into it. Can't we just appreciate About Time for the great story and not look into the insignificant details.

I also enjoyed the fact that we got to see Tim and Mary during their lives as a married couple. Often in these movies, two people get together, or engaged, or married and then it is just left at that...we never know what happens to them. I mean, we got to see Tim and Mary have THREE children (four, if you count the accidental one that Tim created when he went back to far).

I will say that their were plot holes with some of the time traveling, I thought he could only travel to the did he keep going backwards and forwards? It was also never explained that if you held hands with someone, they will travel with you. ALSO, shouldn't Uncle Desmond be a time traveler?! I'll happily let these slide though because the breaking of the rules allowed the story to end happily...for once.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Melora Hardin! (27 Dresses)

7/24/2014 27 DRESSES

Watching all of these movies (and tv shows) has really expanded my actor vocabulary...if that makes any sense. I recognized a whole ton of actors that I never would've known a month ago. First and foremost, Melora Hardin, aka Jan Levinson from The Office. There is no way I could miss her. She seems to play a character similar to the Jan, which would be a female boss who gets what she wants. Either way, she is darn good at playing the character. I also noticed Judy Greer who plays Kitty in Arrested Development! It took me a while because of her hair color, but I knew it was her. James Marsden, who played the man that Jane got married to in the end, played the man that Allie left, in The Notebook. Also, Peyton List from Disney Channel (not that I watch Disney Channel) played young Jane.

The analytical part of me wants to look further into the dresses in the closet, but I honestly don't feel like it. It symbolizes something like the building up of feelings over years that finally come out when she gets rid of the dresses...or something like that. Open to interpretation. 

I thought it was sweet that Jane's friend and Kevin's friend were flirting with each other at the end. I mean, it didn't necessarily add anything to the story, but I felt it was a nice touch. 

I was initially hesitant in watching this movie because I thought it could possibly turn out like Something Borrowed, in which the main character had to choose the lesser of two evils. I mean, haven't we all heard the story where the bridesmaid is secretly in love with the groom? While entertaining, we don't really want to see a bride and groom broken up for a chance relationship. I liked this movie because there wasn't any cheating, and it turned out that Jane wasn't really in love with her boss. Although, I think we all knew that she was going to marry Kevin the second we saw him. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Spare Yourself (Cruel Intentions


That was the worst.

I don't understand how this is on so many people's "top chick flicks" list when it was absolutely awful.

Other than Reese Witherspoon and possibly Selma Blaire, the concept of decent acting was thrown completely out the window.

I guess it was too "out there" that the main character actually change for the better so guess what happened...he was killed off. I mean really.

There was absolutely nothing even remotely realistic about this in the least. People aren't just magically that witty and deceptive. I have a hard time believing that that is actually how normal daily dialogue goes.

How did Annette get over the death of her "true love" so quickly?!

Spare yourself. DO NOT watch this movie.

Monday, July 21, 2014

RIP James Garner (The Notebook)

7/21/2014 THE NOTEBOOK

Due to the recent death of James Garner, I decided to finally get around to watching The Notebook. It was NOT what I expected, and I didn't even realize that he was reading from a notebook until the end when it was revealed that the story was written by Allie.

At first, Allie's dilemma left me torn. I mean, I knew she would choose Noah...but I also felt like she loved Lon. Both men were viable options. I came to the conclusion that the right thing to do was to stay with Noah after her mother showed her the man she had once had a fling with and broke down in tears. Although grateful for Allie's dad, Allie's mom clearly had some regret about not following her heart. I think that Allie knew that she could end up the same way.

I think we all knew who those two old people were before it was announced that they were indeed Noah and Allie. I came to the conclusion during the middle of the movie that there was no way this would end happily. I decided that the best, most realistic option would be for them to die together...although I would've been satisfied if they could've been miraculously recovered.

I don't agree with Allie's mothers decision to hide all of Noah's letters...but I think we all have to admit that it made for a better story.

Seeing this movie had opened up a whole new world of references that I will now understand.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Beth Grant stoll the show(: (Speed)

7/12/2014 (SPEED)

The main reason that I wanted to see this movie in the first place is because my mom told me it was Sandra Bullock's breakout movie. I also knew that Keanu Reeves was in it. While I had seen him in the Matrix movies (before I fell asleep), I didn't really know what he looked like. I always get him mixed up with David Duckovny...I suppose he looks a little like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who looks like Orlando Bloom slightly...sorry, none of this pertains to anything.

Ah yes! The movie! I quite enjoyed it. Just the idea that the bus couldn't go under 50 miles per hour without majorly exploding was and idea that I hadn't heard anything similar to before, although I kept waiting for John McClane to show up.

Beth Grant was in it! She played Dwight's babysitter/girlfriend (?!) in The Office (<3), which was an extremely bit part. Do you understand now how much one would have to watch that show to even know that? She also landed a main role in The Mindy Project, which includes a ton of actors and actresses from The Office. I was sad to see that she had to die. I mean, I would rather her than Sandra Bullock's character, but it was unfortunate nonetheless.

I was surprised that they didn't end the movie after the bus incident was over, they had to have a whole subway incident as well. I knew that there was no way in heck that Jack was about to leave Annie (haha, Jack and Annie, like Magic Tree House:)...) on that subway while handcuffed to a poll. I was surprised that he didn't try further to free her, I don't know, maybe it would've hurt her more than it would've helped her. I DID NOT understand why he had to make the subway go faster. My dad made that point that if he could make it accelerate, couldn't they make it deaccelerate? Either way, I knew they would live.

OH! Also, Ferris Bueller's friend made an appearance. He was kind of a spaz.

I certainly didn't enjoy it :| (Material Girls)


I remember Hilary Duff being a better actress...Haylie Duff too. While I admit, I didn't hate this movie as much as a majority of critics (who nominated them for worst actresses awards) I certainly didn't enjoy it. They were a little to bippy for me.

My first major issue was when they were checking their appearances with each other before going into the club.

"Like it?!"
Love it!"

I just figure that they probably should have discussed this before arriving at the club. I mean, what would have happened if she didn't "love it!" Sometimes...

I didn't really buy the whole Ava/Mac (I think that was his name) relationship to start with, but I do think that Ava should've been more upset when his bodyguard (or whoever) ended things with her.

Really, the only twist was that Fabiella WASN'T the culprit. Instead, she really was just creepishly nice to them...offering to get someone to massage their temples and all.

It was well-timed that the lawyer helping them suddenly became more handsome when he started dating Ava...just sayin'

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Double Infinitive (Two Weeks Notice)


I thought it was too good to be true. Hugh Grant AND Sandra Bullock. A recipe that's impossible to mess up. I think you get the picture.

It was cool that Heather Burns, who played Sandra Bullock's friend in Miss Congeniality ALSO played her friend in this movie!

June really got on my nerves. I mean, let her have the stapler...although, I think the stapler represented George (Hugh Grant) in this situation. Lucy had a history with this stapler, and was used to how it...functioned. June, however, realized that the stapler had special benefits and knew that it didn't belong to Lucy. Regardless, in the stapler's heart, it knew who it's true owner was. Do you think it was symbolism that Lucy ended up with the stapler (ya know...because she ended up with George).

I don't understand why she didn't like her job. I mean, it was easy and she got paid a butt-load...and...well...Hugh Grant (or in this case, "George"). I guess she is just one of those independent people with a true work ethic. I am not one of those people.

I knew that all those times ordering Chinese for one would lead to her finally getting to order Chinese for two(: It was cute how George wasn't used to the tiny apartment.

That letter was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard...except for the double infinitive, which is something I just simply can't overlook...kidding...I thought it was funny how Lucy mentioned that.

Bob Newhart is Life (Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde)


I guess what the critics were saying was true. This movie wasn't really that great...well besides Bob Newhart...but how could you NOT love him. I liked Jennifer Coolidge as well, she's just got a different style about her. Poor Regina King (who played Grace), the woman never gets a break, what with constantly starring in sequels of popular movies that consistently turn out disappointing (Miss Congeniality 2, Legally Blonde 2). I mean, this movie wasn't all bad, but it definitely wasn't all good.

I deeply hate those two bippy friends of Elle's...they're just a little much for my liking. I had had about enough by the time they started the synchronized dancing...I mean, who had time to teach everyone that dance? And when one of them pulled out there phone and gave it to Elle, I was in awe of how small and ckunky it was, older than the dinky modern track phone. Has technology really progressed that much in the last 10 years?!

One of the things that made this movie not a total loss and worth seeing in the first place was Bob Newhart. I just love the way he says his lines; I'm sure those pauses and occasional "um"'s weren't written in, but it made it more believable. Some witty lines in movies, I have an extremely hard time believing that the characters came up with on the spot. Back to Bob Newhart...he was incredibly adorable as Papa Elf in Elf. 

I think I liked Reese Witherspoon more in the previous movie. I just felt that her voice got higher and she got bippier. I agree with the critic that said something to the effect that blonde jokes aren't as funny the second time around. One thing I do like about these movies is how self-grooming tips constantly lead Elle Woods to find out about a deception or make some kind of law breakthrough.

Not a totally worthless movie I suppose.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A "costume party" is never JUST a costume party... (Legally Blonde)


"You haven't seen Legally Blonde yet?!?!?!?!"


Now I don't have to go through that humiliation every time I start talking about chick flicks with one of my friends! But, now that I've seen the movie, I understand how it has become one of those "must see" movies. I looked kind of stupid. But now, it is easily one of my guilty pleasure movies. The underestimated rising to glory is probably one of my all time favorite story plots...never gets old.

At first, I had no idea why they would choose the name Legally Blonde. I's not like it's a clever play on words or anything. Ha! Wrong. Upon further thought I have come to realize that it sounds similar to "legally blind" but incorporates the fact the Elle is blonde and ALSO a law student at Harvard. Most of you probably think I'm pretty stupid since it took me this long to realize how clever a title it was...but the moment I cracked the code, I felt pretty profound.

Oh Elle...when will you realize. A "costume party" is NEVER just a costume party. It is also often a center for humiliation and grave embarrassment. I have to say, Elle played it off pretty cool and didn't let herself become effected by the impending shame that was surely to come upon her. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way...

The only downside to this movie is that I knew the moment that she became excited for her date with Warner that he was going to break up with her. I knew the moment she went to Harvard to get him back that he would eventually come back and she would reject him. I knew the moment she met Emmet that he would be the one that she would fall for. I mean, the movie was pretty standard as far as archetypes and foreshadowing go. I was suspicious of Callahan, but he proved to be a pretty good guy so I let it slide...he proved me wrong. One thing I did NOT expect was that she would become Brooke's lawyer.

It made me extremely happy the way she helped that guy out who was trying to ask a girl on a date. She basically went up and slapped him because he didn't call her back after a night of alleged passion. The thought process of the girl he wanted to ask out was basically "if he went out with her, than who am I to reject him? It was awesome(:

I LOVE Jennifer Coolidge, who played Paulette the manicurist. I also loved that her love interest is only known to us as "the UPS guy"...although I think the wiki page says his last name is Parcelle...hahaha, I see what they did there.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Why not cut out the middle man? (Premium Rush)

So I shook things up today and watched something that wasn't a chick-flick. It wasn't my movie night, you understand, right? Either way, it was really good...when my dad told me it was an action movie about a guy who likes to bicycle, you really shouldn't blame me for making sure it wasn't like the last British Documentary that was "exciting". Who's in it? Is it fictional? Was it released in a movie theater in America?

Joseph Gordon Levitt is kind of like a better looking Orlando Bloom...although Bloom is quite good looking as well...I have come to the conclusion that the better looking actor depends solely on what haircut Orlando Bloom has.

I fail to understand how the ticket even mattered. Couldn't Mr. Leung call Sister Chen in order to have Nima's relatives board the ship. Was the ticket really needed? I mean, why not cut out the middle man? I suppose it made for an exciting story...almost makes me want to start biking again...almost.

I loved during the credits how a clip was shown of Gordon-Levitt after he had gotten hurt. Basically, someone was driving on the set who should not have been there, which eventually caused some kind of accident. Long story short, Gordon-Levitt had to get several stitches in his right arm, which explains why it was bandaged for about half the movie.

Overall, a good selection...way to go Dad.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Who manufactures feathers that strong? (Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous)


Shockingly, I didn't find this movie as terrible as the critics did. Funny, it's usually the other way around. I thought it was nice, and refreshing that it wasn't a story leading up to a big romantic ending. Okay, I admit it, those aren't all bad. Either way, I at least appreciated that it was more about friendship than romance. It was Detective Fuller who saved the day in the end, not some buff male lead. I still fail to understand who manufactures feathers that strong. Basically, Gracie Hart's costume got caught under a cannon on a boat that was under water (okay, it's a long story) and they just wouldn't break.

I don't understand how, at the end of the movie, it's okay for Gracie Hart to return to detective work when, at the beginning, she wasn't allowed to due to her notoriety. It's not like she got any less notorious.

It made me angry how that one guy (yup. I didn't even bother to learn his name...or look him up, because I hate him that much and I am that lazy) tried to take all the credit for Gracie Hart's work.

I admit it. I thought Detective Fuller was the culprit behind the crime....somehow, I just thought he was. He was always going on about Janet to the point were I thought he was a stalker and the sweater that he showed Gracie was something that he had stolen...I don't know. It just seemed that Janet was NEVER that into him and that he was possessive. I was glad that he ended up with Miss United States...that showed Janet.

I like how they brought back the "world peace" concept at the end, when clearly Gracie had found her calling in physical violence.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Isn't hairspray flammable? (Miss Congeniality)


For the record, I did NOT mean to plan a patriotic movie the day before Independence Day...but if you want to think that I did, I guess that's okay too. Sandra Bullock is actually a pretty good actress. She did a fantastic job of thoroughly grossing me out at the beginning while still being believable as a pageant contestant. I don't know how much damage Kathy Morningside (who named that character) planned to do with a bomb that case scenario, she lights the new Miss United States' hair on fire. When are they gonna learn...flammable hairspray. I guess it can't be that flammable considering Cheryl was throwing those flaming batons dangerously close to her head.

After the former Miss New Jersey got caught for "performing" in that "movie", how did no one notice that "Gracie Lou Freebush" wasn't the runner-up for Miss New Jersey ...or even a competitor in that pageant...I mean, you'd think that there would be some kind of outrage over that.

Who else thought that it would be revealed that William Shatner was Frank's father? There was a definite resemblance between the two.

I'll probably watch the sequel to this movie tomorrow, but I can't garuntee I'll enjoy it. I heard it got really bad reviews...but I guess I'll be the judge of that. As for this movie, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. They hit the nail on the head with the "world peace" bit.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ordering take-out changes lives (Sleepless in Seattle)


I suppose I've been meaning to watch this movie for a while, well, a couple days anyway. It helps to understand the countless Sleepless in Seattle references in The Mindy Project. I don't think it's possible for Tom Hanks to be in a bad movie (I haven't seen him in one, anyway), and this movie is no exeption. I like that, while he is a beleivable love interest, it's not like he is one of those "blonde-hair, blue eyes, overly muscular" guys (turns out most girls are very much into your Gosling or your Hemsworth). Then again, I don't know what was considered "hot beyond belief" in the early 90s. If its as drastic a change as the change in computers, than you can disregard this entire paragraph.

This movie made me realize that destiny, accidents, and coincidences are one in the same. I guess it just depends how you look at it. Another thing this movie exemplafied was the "love at first sight (or feel...or hear)" concept. While Annie wasn't looking to be surprised, and Sam was only looking for someone to have a convorsation with...they both found themselves embarking on a journey that was...quite frankly...chalk full of coincidances. Note: Some may also call this concept destiny.

I feel bad for Walter. I mean, I guess it was just his luck that he got dumped almost immediately after getting his ring resized...which I'm sure is as hastle. In my opinion, he played it a little to cool when Annie gave him the unfortunate news. I don't know of any guy who would be okay with the fact that their woman flew across the country to meet some guy whos voice they fell in love with! I don't just seems that Meg Ryan always gets of free in these movies.

"You make a million decisions that mean nothing...and then one day, you order take-out and it changes your life."

Ain't that the truth...I guess I wouldn't know.